About Emerson & Oliver Jewelry
We believe that a “true friend knows your weaknesses, but emphasizes your possibilities.” W.A.W.
We have been best friends for over 25 years, share a like mindedness and sister like bond that made going into business together a natural and easy decision. You know that friend that shows up in the exact same outfit as you, but wears it totally different, creating their own style and look? That’s us.
E&O was born from our similar tastes and personalities. We take inspiration from our travels and experiences we have had together and also from the many years that we lived thousands of miles apart.
When we started Emerson & Oliver in 2012, Mary was living in NY, and Laura was living in Barbados. We were looking for jewelry that worked, not only in the city, but on the beach as well. We reflected back on the jelly bracelets and piano wire bracelets of our youth and redesigned them, making them our own. The DIA Bracelets were born.
The word DIA: Greek for through, has special meaning to us, because we believe, you do not “get over” things in your life, you “go through” them. We have been friends for 3/4 of our lives and life has thrown a lot at us from the very beginning of our friendship. We have experienced many tragedies and many joys. And we have always gotten through them. Together.